
Data Recovery Services vs Software

There are two ways in which the lost data can be recovered – by using data recovery services that are offered by various companies, or using certain specific data recovery software.

These data recovery service providers themselves use data recovery software in order to recover lost data from your hard drive. The question therefore is which is better? Is it the software or the service? Let us see.

How Did You Lose Data?

You need to consider all your options when deciding whether to use data recovery software or hire a data recovery service provider. Data recovery software is quite effective when data loss occurs due to reasons other than mechanical glitches. Unfortunately, recovery software available in the market does more harm than good when not used properly. You need to be really experienced at using these recovery software packages as they involve critical and complex steps. Use of the software packages can help you resolve simple data loss issues but when you have a complex situation at hand, these packages may not be of much help.

How To Detect Reason for Data Loss?

If the drive keeps on making some kind of clicking noise or there are small spells of minor vibrations then refrain from using any software. These symptoms are the unmistakable signs of some kind of problem.

In numerous cases, hard drives experience mechanical or electrical snags and data recovery becomes impossible. Data recovery software will hardly be able to do anything except spinning the drive and causing further damage, possibly followed by permanent loss of data.

Once a hard drive crashes or develops any technical snag, it is advisable not to take the software recovery path. You should definitely contact a data recovery service provider. Technical experts from these companies can help you recover the lost data.

Unfortunately, many feel that by using software for data retrieval they will be able to save money as well as time. They often fail to realize that the use of software packages will further aggravate the damage and this will leave them with a bigger hole in their pockets.

Data Recovery Services Companies

The software companies offering data recovery services use highly advanced software that is operated by specialized and trained technicians. These companies do not disclose the name of the software and keep it a trade secret. Many of these data recovery services companies are given specialized software by the hard drive manufacturers which are not available to the common public.

Using experience and special tools, these data recovery services companies do whatever is needed at a more or less cost effective rate. These companies can retrieve valuable data and save your business. The highly trained technicians can solve even the most complex data loss cases and within the shortest possible time.

Therefore, using data recovery services to retrieve lost data is a better idea than using software. The use of software can result in permanent loss of data, and further loss in terms of intellectual properties as well as assets. Data loss can often be permanent which means recovery becomes impossible.

The next time you encounter any hard disk related problem with your PC or laptop, call on your nearest data recovery services provider to save time, money and valuable data.

100% Solution from Universal ComOne

Universal ComOne offers NSight, a 100% reliable solution for the safety of your data. NSight offers military grade back up services. Our NSight Online Data Back will backup all your files to an offsite facility every night, When needed, backup can be triggered every few hours also. Data is encrypted and never be accessed by anyone else. For additional redundancy, the backup is duplicated in multiple locations so that you can always recover your data.

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